Postgresql for dummies
Installation Postgres is an open-source RDBMS that can be hosted independently on a machine, or hosted via a database service using EDB…
Installation Postgres is an open-source RDBMS that can be hosted independently on a machine, or hosted via a database service using EDB…
Background In the previous article, we analyzed the data representing the statistics of javascript during the year 2019. The data…
Data Science and Javascript I have been using javascript for pretty much my whole career, and have started embarking on a new journey of…
Why do we need pipe or compose? In one of the previous articles, we discussed the need for chaining several functions, and how to do them…
Handling forms in React Dynamic web applications require data to be sent to and fro from the server. Consider any web application that is…
Hooks React hooks, which got introduced in 16.8 versions, are a new way of using state, and others react lifecycle methods in functional…
What is the need to chain a function? Functions are the first-class citizens in javascript. Every method or pattern implementation is done…
What is a generator function? Generator functions are a new class of functions that were introduced by the EcmaScript 2015 standard. A…
What is a lambda function? By definition, lambda functions are anonymous functions that are not bound to any identifiers. These functions…
What is Blockchain technology? A blockchain is a distributed database that is used to maintain a continuously growing list of records called…
What does trustless mean? The daily interactions we have either with real people or with our devices and applications require some level of…
MongoDB: Popular among the NoSQL databases. MongoDB has certainly grown its popularity among the NoSQL databases out there. MongoDB is a…
Prerequisites Before we get to this tutorial, you need a basic setup of nodejs and mongodb application. If you don't have any setup, please…
What is docker? Over the years, we have had many definitions for docker. The simplest one is that it is a product that provides OS-level…
Prerequisites Before we get to this tutorial, you need a basic setup of nodejs and mongodb application with passport-local authentication…
NodeJs as a microservice. Node.js is an open-source, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser…
Redux: A predictable state container for javascript apps Redux is a state management system that is used by javascript apps to provide a…
Routing: Client-side and Server-side routes In the previous article we provided a basic setup for server side rendering with react and…
Why do we need server-side rendering? Over the past decade, javascript has grown to be the most popular and powerful language of the web…
Webpack: A bundling tool for javascript Webpack is a module bundler mainly used for bundling javascript files to be used in the browser. In…
GatsbyJs: An open-source framework to build blazing-fast websites GatsbyJs is a free open source framework based on ReactJs that helps…
Sisyphus and the mythology behind it According to Greek mythology, Sisyphus is a king of Corinth, which became infamous for his trickery and…
Blogging platforms: Traditional v/s Modern Blogging has been one of the most relaxing and intriguing professions of all time. A lot of us do…
CORS: What it is and why do we need it? Cross-Origin resource sharing is a protocol that allows the client from one origin to interact with…
Asynchronous tasks in Javascript: One of the most powerful features of javascript is its ability to execute code asynchronously. Most of the…
Machine Learning - The Supervised kind Machine learning is the ability of computer algorithms to improve continuously through experience…
Javascript Memoization: Memoization is a programming technique in which expensive function calls are cached such that their repeated usage…
Javascript Higher-order functions: A higher-order function is any function which either takes an argument as a function or returns a…
Javascript events and event handling: Events are actions occurring on a webpage due to various types of interaction from the user. These…
Document Object model: An introduction A Document Object Model(DOM) is an interface which provides a set of utilities to manipulate XML and…
The need for Apply, Bind and Call in Javascript Functions in javascript are nothing but objects, and hence every function has parameter…
Javascript's this and that, and few others: The this keyword in javascript is perhaps the most ambiguous thing to follow through when we are…
OOPS in Javascript: Why it is required? The object-oriented programming refers to a paradigm in which structured, reusable pieces of code…
Javascript Prototype: First detailed look into objects Prototype is an attribute every object contains in javascript (unless the object is…
A brief history of the Universe For the longest period, scientists believed that the universe was infinite and ageless. In other words, we…
Javascript Objects at a glance Objects are the most fundamental data type present in javascript. Javascript has two types of data. The…
Closure and Currying: An Introduction Closures are important concept javascript programmers should understand in order to write better code…
Introduction to Scope and Hoisting Every programming language has its own rules regarding the scope of the data being stored during program…
COVID-19: Facts and figures. COVID-19 🦠is an infectious upper respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most commonly known as…